Ariş Enerji is a technopolis company that has adopted the R&D culture. In this direction, it has the vision of producing new products by developing R&D projects that are either customer-supported or financed by the company's own resources. In line with domestic production technologies, it continues its Research and Development studies in every subject that will primarily contribute to our country.


Regenerative Siloxane Removal System 

Institution from which the support was received: TUBITAK
Project Duration: 14 Months
With the Siloxane Removal System, which is the subject of the project, it is aimed to reduce the amount of siloxane in the gas up to 95%. The decrease in these compounds will make an additional contribution to the gas engine in terms of component life and overall efficiency. Meeting the need for siloxane removal system, which is expected to increase significantly in the coming years, with domestic facilities, by adding original elements such as electromechanical and adsorbent selection to the existing technology; The main goal of this project is to bring a product with high added value to our country and to the domestic industry.

Food Dryer

Institution from which the support was received : TUBITAK
Project Duratİon: 18 MONTHS
Industrial drying is a drying process that is widely used worldwide, especially in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Existing drying systems consume high energy and a drying system with the required features has not been developed domestically yet, systems imported from abroad also pose a great loss for the country's economy. In our country, the drying process is carried out by many companies with traditional drying. The traditional drying process is not hygienic, but requires a large area and a long time. The drying system developed within the scope of the project meets today's needs at an optimum level.


Institution from which the support was received: ANKARA TECHNOPARK
Project Duration: 6 Months
The Booster Unit, whose technology level is the subject of the project, was developed and produced by Ariş Energy for the first time in Turkey and presented to the market. What we provide as a unit; Gas supply at constant pressure, Gas analysis, Gas flow measurement, Gas temperature measurement, Gas pressure measurement

Modular Biogas System
Institution from which the support was received: TUBITAK
Project Duration: 24 Months

The aim of the project is to develop an economic system for raw material quantities that are not currently sufficient to establish a biogas plant. Economization has been achieved both by domestic production, by increasing the amount of biogas to be produced in unit volume, and by production to be carried out in the factory environment at once. In addition, with energy optimization, energy consumption will be reduced and operating costs will be reduced. Apart from manure, it is aimed to bring these unusable wastes into the economy, with the ability to work with household wastes from less populated settlements, sludge from small-scale treatment plants, wastes from parks and gardens, food wastes from places such as food factories and hotels.

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